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Red Light, Speed, Mobile &
Phone Seat Belt Cameras


You have reached possibly the most comprehensive resource on red light cameras, speed cameras, mobile speed cameras, mobile phone seat belt cameras and police held cameras in Australia. The Speed Camera Locations site covers Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.

If you've received a camera related infringement, this site can help you find out more about the location. If you're interested in where cameras are located to reduce your chances of getting a fine, you've come to the right site.

If want to reduce the risk of getting a camera fine, then check out the Speed Limit Alerts web app. Nothing to install. Just visit your state/territory, click on the link for Speed Limit Alerts and click Start. You'll be warned of fixed speed and red-light cameras, fixed mobile phone seat belt cameras, and if someone has reported a mobile or portable camera, you'll also get notified as you approach the location. Speed Limit Alerts also allows you to select a speed to alert you if you go over the speed, and for Victoria, an auto mode which uses the posted speed limit of known speed limit sign locations.


Map of Australia


The Speed Camera Locations site covers speed camera locations, red light camera locations, mobile speed camera locations police camera and mobile phone seat belt camera locations across Australia, and brings this altogether to help drivers stay safe and save money, by being alerted to camera locations and speed alerts with the Speed Limit Alerts web app.

Select the state/territory from the menu above or click on the map.

The aim of the speed camera locations site is to provide drivers with an easy method to check out the location where they may have received an infringement, to keep drivers informed as new cameras are added to the network, to encourage drivers to adhere to the speed limits, reduce red-light running, and to help drivers avoid fines by driving appropriately and to save their hard earned money.


Speed Limit Alerts mobile web app

Speed Limit Alerts

Speed limit Alerts is a driving aid to alert drivers if they drive over a set speed limit, or if they are approaching a camera. For Victoria, the speed limit can be set to auto which uses a database of known speed limit signs. For the ACT, the speed limit can be set to auto, which uses a database of speed limit signs covering the main roads. For all other states and territories, the driver can select one of the provided speeds to alert them when they exceed the speed.

To use the speed and camera data for your state, first select your state from the menu and then Speed Limit Alerts. If you cross a border within Australia, select the Speed Limit Alerts from the state/territory's page to use the new state/territory's data.

Red light cameras
Red lights cameras are fixed cameras typically located at intersections but can also be located in a section of road. Two in Victoria are located at a railway crossing. Red light cameras are activated by a car crossing over sensors in the road. Red light cameras are also often speed cameras.

Red light cameras

Speed cameras
Speed cameras also known as fixed speed cameras are often located along stretches of road and in tunnels. Most fixed speed cameras are activated by a sensor in the road. Another type of fixed speed camera is the average speed camera. These cameras are located along major roads and determine if a driver has exceeded the speed limit along a section of road between two points.

Speed cameras

Mobile speed cameras
Mobile speed cameras are often cars or trailers equipped with cameras to detect speeding vehicles. The function of these cameras is being extended to detect other infringing behaviour such as unregistered vehicles.

Mobile speed cameras

Mobile phone & seat belt cameras
The latest in the arsenal for governments to motorists breaking the law on our roads are the mobile phone and seat belt cameras. These cameras can be fixed, located on a gantry on a major road, or portable, which can be moved to designated locations. The latest trailers can determine infringements across a range of activities that include, mobile phone usage, incorrect seat belt usage or not wearing a seat belt, unregistered vehicles, speeding and average speed between locations. It all depends on what features the government wishes to use.

Mobile phone seat belt cameras

Police cameras
We shouldn't forget with all the new devices the police are still an active part of law enforcement on the road. In fact, police are often stricter in applying infringements than when automated technology is used. For example, red-light cameras will not raise a fine for a driver going through an amber light, but police can issue a fine based on their judgement. The margin for police issued speeding fines is also often lower than mobile speed cameras. The equipment used by police can also detect speeding vehicles from greater distance. But most fines luckily for drivers, are probably now issued by automated devices.

Police cameras


Speed Camera Locations comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Speed Camera Locations is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free or accurate. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.

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