Created: 08/01/2020
Red light speed camera locations in NSW
The Speed Camera Locations site was built to cover Victorians, to help people who had erred and received a red light camera fine or speed camera fine. By finding out more about the location, understanding what may have led to the fine, we can modify our behaviour to ensure we reduce the chances of receiving a future sign. Not everyone who gets a fine is a lead foot out doing the wrong thing. The majority of people are like you and me.
I couldn't help feel the same technology could be used for our neighbours to the north in New South Wales. We all drive on similar roads, make the same mistakes, so perhaps the technology I've put together for Victorians could also help those in NSW.
As can be expected it will take some time to determine and map all the speed camera locations and red light camera locations in NSW. Rather than wait for all cameras to be determined I've made the NSW section of the site live with the first type of cameras. Red light speed cameras have now been uploaded for the red light speed cameras in NSW.
The next type of cameras, fixed speed cameras in NSW is currently being worked on and will be progressively uploaded.
You can find Red Light Camera Locations NSW and Speed Camera Locations NSW at www.SpeedCameraLocations.com.au/nsw/.
Kelvin Eldridge