Created: 08/09/2016
Video of Cemetery Road West And Royal Parade, Parkville speed/red light camera
In the continuing series of videos on speed camera and red light camera locations, I recently took a video whilst travelling along Cemetery Road West turning into Royal Parade in Parkville.
The aim of the videos is to allow others to easily review the speed/red light camera.
Around 6,000 drivers drivers are being booked at this location generating revenue of over 2.5 million dollars a year. The main reason is people going through the red light when turning right into Royal Parade. The amber timing is quite short at 3 seconds. The approach traffic lights are high overhead and not visible as you approach the stop line.
There were only 32 speeding infringements for the turning lanes and around 600 for those travelling directly through the intersection.
The aim of these posts is to help people become aware of the speed limits in different areas. We may not agree with them, but in the end the law is the law and if we don't comply, then we can expect a fine.
You can view the video by clicking on the link to the video at www.SpeedCameraLocations.com.au.
Kelvin Eldridge