Speed Camera Videos Northern Territory
Speed Camera Locations - NT Videos
Speed Camera Videos - Northern Territory provides a list of red light camera / speed camera location
videos that I've recorded or have been made available by others on YouTube.
Click on the link to view the video.
Click on the camera icon to view the location using Google maps or the Google Street View of the location.
Where the location has separate cameras covering different lanes, the video shown is the same.
It is hoped this information is as useful to others.
Bagot Road/McMillans Road, Millner (9006)
McMillans Road/Bagot Road, Eaton (9005) left turn
McMillans Road/Lee Point Road, Marrara (9012)
Stuart Highway/Berrimah Road, Knuckey Lagoon (9004)
Stuart Highway/Berrimah Road, Knuckey Lagoon (9007)
Stuart Highway/Deviney Road, Holtze (9001) Camera gone
Stuart Highway/Henning Road, Coolalinga (9010)
Stuart Highway/Howard Springs Road, Howard Springs (9016)
Stuart Highway/Girraween Road, Coolalinga (9011)
Stuart Highway/Jenkins Road, Noonamah (9017)
Stuart Highway/Lambrick Avenue, Howard Springs (9015)
Stuart Highway/Ross Smith Avenue, Parap (9003)
Stuart Highway/Stott Terrace, Alice Springs (9014)
Stuart Highway/Westralia Street, Stuart Park (9008)
Stuart Highway/Woolner Road, Parap (9002)
Tiger Brennan Drive/Amy Johnson Avenue, Winnellie (9021)
Trower Road/Rapid Creek Road, Rapid Creek (9009)
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