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Speed Limit and Camera Alerts
South Australia/Adelaide
(Beta Testing)

Audible alerts for fixed red light, speed, mobile phone, seat belt and user reported portable cameras.





Map of today's camera reports

Report Signs
00 Standard Signs --

School Signs

Time Restricted Signs

Roadwork Signs



Speed Limit Alerts, Speedometer Test
Avoid speeding fines. Avoid red light fines.

Note: Speed Limit Alerts is in testing stage. Please expect bugs and errors. At all times obey the posted speed limits.

To use

  • Click Start and the speedometer will start showing your speed in km/h
  • Select the speed you'd like to receive an alert if exceeded. In Victoria you can select Auto which uses speed limit sign locations.
  • You can change the alert speed at any time.
  • To report a mobile speed camera (car or trailer), a police car/officer with a speed camera, or a mobile phone seatbelt camera, click on the appropriate button


  • Speedometer test. Compare speed with car's speedometer.
  • Avoid speeding fines. Avoid red light fines.
  • Large speed and speed limit numbers for easy checking.
  • Speed background green when within 5km/h of speed limit. Red when over the speed limit.
  • Speed limit background yellow for variable speed signs and orange for roadwork.
  • Ability to report mobile, police and phone/seatbelt cameras
  • Verbal alerts when exceeding the speed limit or approaching cameras.
  • Verbal alerts for fixed red light and speed cameras only for the direction of travel affected.
  • School zone speed limits for time of day and school days only.
  • Time of day restricted speed limits such as near shops.
  • Night or day mode.
  • Mobile/Police/Phone Seatbelt camera locations updated every five minutes based on the day's reports.
  • Share Score with family and friends. Start with 100 points and lose a point for each speeding alert.
  • Works the way you do if using Auto. Speed is only known based on Speed Limit Sign locations.
  • Nothing to install on your mobile phone. Add Home screen shortcut for convenience.
  • Android stays always on. iPhone requires Auto-Lock set to never.
  • Large numbers can be read when wearing polarising sunglasses.
  • Extra features for specific purposes listed below.


  • At all times obey the posted speed limits. This web app is an aid and may/will be incorrect at times.
  • The speedometer reading is updated as the GPS location is updated, which can vary from sub second to taking multiple seconds.
  • GPS locations are not available in tunnels and may not be reliable under bridges, in car parks and where there's other obstructions.
  • Speed limit sign data can be incorrect, out of date, or missing.
  • A verbal alert to slow down occurs when the alert speed selected is exceeded by 1 km/h for two GPS readings.
  • The speed background changes to red with white writing when the alert speed selected is exceeded by 1 km/h.
  • The speed background changes to green when the speed is between 5 km/h under and up to 1km/h over the alert speed selected, or if on auto, the most recent speed limit sign. This provides a good visual clue you are travelling near the alert speed selected.
  • The Speed Limit background will change to yellow when travelling on freeways with variable speed signs.
  • Speed Limit background will change to orange if travelling through an area of roadworks. In particular, roadworks that are long term. There are many large projects underway around cities and with states testing or using construction zone speed cameras, it was felt including long-term sites with roadworks may assist drivers keep to the posted speed limits. Not all roadwork areas will necessarily be covered due to their changing nature. Short-term roadworks are not included.
  • You can select a speed, which if exceeded you will then be alerted. In Victoria you can use the auto feature, which uses the Victorian government's speed limit sign data plus a significant number of updates and corrections to the government's data. Whilst the quality of the government's data is not ideal, it has enabled this project to be built more quickly. Depending on the assistance from users of Speed Limit Alerts, it may be possible to build a better quality source of data.
  • Spurious/inaccurate GPS readings are common on mobile phones and can cause over the speed limit warnings
  • When stationary, sometimes the speed will will drift and be non-zero. This because the GPS reading is changing. To avoid this issue speed and bearing updates are at 3km/h or above. This can mean a nearby sign when turning can be missed and the turn does not reset the speed limit to unknown.
  • Fluctuations in the GPS signal can cause the speed limit to become unknown as shown by two dashes.
  • Curves in the road are generally handled well but sharper curves, or hair-bend turns, can cause the speed limit to revert to unknown.
  • The default limit on suburban roads in Victoria is 50km/h. Because generally suburban streets have no speed limit signs, the speed limit will be shown as unknown and is not detected.
  • Most existing apps only use the default speed for roads and schools. Speed Limit Alerts includes standard speed limits that don't change, school zones that change twice each day during school terms, speed zones near shops which are restricted during part of the day, for a number of days of the week.
  • A moon and a sun button provide a black or white background. The black background is useful at night to reduce the light from the screen. Sometimes however you may also need to manually reduce the brightness.
  • Share your score with family and friends. At the end of each drive you can share a summary of your score, start time, end time, elapsed time and distance travelled. Your score starts at 100 and is reduced by one for each alert you hear for exceeding the speed limit. The Share Score feature uses the built-in share feature of the mobile phone. Not all options work. A title line, body for the message and URL for this web page is shared. What works and doesn't work may differ between iPhones and Android based phones.
  • On Android devices Speed limit Alerts stays on whilst the program is running and Start has been pressed. On Apple devices you'll need to change Auto-Lock to never, otherwise the iPhone will go into Auto-Lock. In Settings -> Display -> Auto-Lock, select Never, before running Speed Limit Alerts and return the Auto-Lock time back to your preference when the drive is complete.
  • On Android set the mobile to answer calls by showing a pop-rather than the full screen to prevent Speed Limit Alerts going into the background and pausing.
  • Should you switch to another application, Speed Limit Alerts will stop running until you return Speed Limit Alerts to the foreground.

Reporting cameras
The buttons provided enable people to report mobile speed cameras (car or trailer), police held speed cameras (police or police car) and mobile phone seatbelt cameras. The buttons should not be used to report the location of police performing other tasks and this web app is only useful for speed related matters and mobile phone seat belt cameras.

Should you accidentally report a camera, please click on the Undo button and this will indicate it is an error and the report can then later be easily recognised and removed from the data.

Each day reported cameras start fresh for the day.

If you drive towards a mobile camera, police camera, mobile phone and seatbelt camera, or a fixed phone and seatbelt camera an alert will be spoken as to the type of camera.

Known fixed phone and seatbelt cameras are automatically included in the list of cameras.

Show Score
A fun way to help people improve their driving skill. At the end of each drive you can show and share your score. You start with 100 points and lose a point every time you're told to slow down. Share with family and friends on social media and see how your compare with others. Aim to get the perfect score more often which shows you're complying with the road rules.

Quick Report
The Quick Report button enables you to report an issue at the current location. This could be a speed sign has been removed, incorrect speed sign etc. This is for issues that can be easily verified using Google maps.

Email issue
The Email Issue button is to email an issue such as a new fixed speed camera, a speed limit sign that is missing or has the incorrect speed, that may require a little more explanation than a Quick Report. If you think something is worthwhile to report, please report the issue.

Other features not shown by default

The Speed Limit Alert web app contains a number of useful features disabled by default that can be enabled using parameters included in the website address. The first parameter is prefixed with a "?" and further parameters are prefixed with an '&'. For example to enable the beep for speed limit signs and test the URL to use would be www.SpeedCameraLocations.com.au​/sa/speedlimitalerts/?beep=true&test=true to beep for speed signs and to show the bearing and speed sign Id.

  • beep - Beep when passing a speed limit sign
  • test - The bearing you're currently travelling as well as the bearing for the speed sign and the speed sign Id.
  • log - Sharing logs to help identify issues and also the raw GPS data. The size that can be shared is limited by the system and beyond my control.
  • report - A section showing buttons to report speed limit signs for those who wish to help build the data for areas where speed limit sign information is not available.
  • auto - Auto uses the speed limit sign data for the speed limit. Victoria is the only state currently using auto. The ACT and Northern Territory have speed limit sign data for roads with fixed camera locations and it may be useful to use auto to keep to the speed limit near speed cameras.

Privacy and you information
Any location technology you use on your mobile phone, including the cell phone towers, bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS can be used by the hardware and software providers to provide that data to other companies and government agencies. I can't do anything about that data.

However, my Speed Limit Alerts web app does not collect any data you do not personally submit. For example when you submit a mobile phone camera only the date/time, location, type of camera and IP address (used to match data for the Undo function) is collected and used by the system. If you send me an issue report I'll act upon the issue, contact you and then delete your information. I have no desire to collect anyone's information. Having said that, the shared hosting service I use, does record all interactions on my websites and that information if used, may potentially identify an individual device, but not the individual.

Essentially it is not my aim or desire to collect, store, share or transmit people's data. My only desire is to provide a tool that is useful to myself, friends and others who wish to use it. Advertising on the web pages is used to help compensate me for my efforts.


Speed Limit Alerts comes with no warranty express or implied. It is not guaranteed to be error free or suitable for any particular purpose.

Speed Limit Alerts - Copyright © 2024-2025 Online Connections