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Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras


Keep updated
Mobile Phone Seat Belt Camera videos are shared on YouTube. Click and subscribe to YouTube channel for latest videos.

Please use the Speed Limit Alerts to report cameras.

The Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras TAS map shows verified mobile phone seat belt camera locations around TAS. Camera markers show the location of the mobile phone seat belt cameras.

Click on a camera to view the mobile phone seat belt camera location details, or to view in Google Street View, view on Google Maps, and where available, watch a dashcam video of the location if available.



Using the Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras TAS map

The Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras TAS map starts centred on TAS. Move around the map and zoom as required. Click or press on the camera marker to see the details for the Mobile Phone Seat Belt Camera's location. Click on the Enlarge Map button for a larger map, or click on the fullscreen button at the top right of the map.

Camera markers on the map are mobile phone seat belt camera locations. Camera markers are colour coded to indicate if the camera is fixed, portable or a suspected location. The lens of the camera marker is white if there is no video and red if there is a video of the location available.

Portable camera, no video
Portable camera, video available
Fixed camera, no video
Fixed camera, video available
Suspected camera location

NOTE: A suspected location is where there are multiple police/camera reports over a number of consecutive days, indicating a static camera, usually corresponding to a published location.

Google Street View link to location

A Google Street View link is avilable on the detail page, which is accessed by clicking on the icon for a Mobile Phone Seat Belt Camera that interests you.

Google Map link to location

A Google Map link is avilable on the detail page, which is accessed by clicking on the icon for a Mobile Phone Seat Belt Camera that interests you.

Dash cam video

Dash cam videos are being added as videos are either created or found on YouTube. Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras with videos are shown with a red lens on the camera icon. Click on the icon for a Mobile Phone Seat Belt Camera that interests you.


New South Wales

In 2020 it was reported TAS was expecting to roll out 45 cameras. Known cameras are reportedly on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, while other mobile phone camera locations include Nowra, Lucas Heights, Moore Park and Prospect, possibly M4 motorway at Prospect and at Anzac Parade, Moore Park

As from the 1st of July 2024, mobile phone detection cameras will now also detect if seat belts aren't being worn or worn properly.

Distance to camera

Based on images for the M5 mobile phone seat belt camera, it is estimated the distance from the camera to the vehicle is around 20m. For a portable mobile phone seat belt camera on a trailer the distance is estimated to be around 10 metres.


Mobile Phone Seat Belt detection cameras shown on the map have been verified. Only cameras which can be verified by a photo, video or fine location have been included. If you've spotted a mobile phone seat belt detection camera and have a photo, video or fine, you're welcome to send an email to the following email address with details. For the video please only send a link. You can upload and share a private video on YouTube. Once the information has been recorded all emails will be deleted. No individual's information will be kept. All submissions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras web app comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Mobile Phone Seat Belt Cameras web app is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free or accurate. The information on this page is not intended to be advice. At all times you should obey the laws in your state with regards to the use of mobile phones and seat belts whilst driving.


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