Speed Signs

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Map of Speed Limit Signs


The map of speed limit signs shows speed limit signs around the location provided. Markers for speed limit signs can take a while to load. Click on a marker for speed limit sign information.


GPS location (i.e. latitude {comma, pipe, tab or space} longitude)



Please take care with this map. In the base file used for the Victorian map I found thousands of issues. For the roads I travel on I'm attempting to correct any issues, but keep in mind the road network continues to change. For other states I've entered speed limit signs around the fixed speed camera locations. These speed limit signs are based on Google maps and may be out of date, or change in the future. At a minimum, first check Google Street View using the link provided when you click on the triangular marker. Even then Google Street View can be a number of years old so these tools can only be used as an indication. The only way to really know the current speed limit is to visit the area and view the current speed limit sign.

Consider the location of signs as being approximate. When looking for a sign on Google Streetview you may have to move around to find the sign.


  • Click on the red marker for the speed limit sign to show details further options.
  • In the detail page you can open Google maps in Street View at the location.
  • In the detail page you can open Google maps at the location.
  • Centre the map at the current marker and reload markers around the marker. This is a way to move around the map and refreshing the markers around the new location.
  • Markers for speed limit signs are red. Markers for roadworks speed limit signs are orange. In areas where there's roadwork speed limit signs the regular speed limit signs for the area are still shown on the map, but are effectively disabled whilst roadworks are in progress.
  • When the Speed Limit Signs map is accessed from a fixed camera detail's page, the speed limit signs shown are those within 1km of the fixed camera.
  • Double click on the map to show the direction/bearing from the white marker. Reload the page to remove the bearing information.
  • Enter GPS coordinates in one of the formats shown to go to that location. The GPS coordinates should be within the current state/territory for the speed limit sign markers to show.


Speed signs comes with no warranty expressed or implied. Speed signs is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free or accurate. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


Thank you to the Victorian government for providing a base of speed sign data date April 2024. At this point in time I've found no speed sign date for other states or territories.


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